Location : San Bruno, CA
Manufacturer : mmcité
Client : Allen Elementary School
Designer : Bay Tree Design
Photo Credit: ©SPEC Play

Allen Elementary School

SPEC supplied Allen Elementary School with vibrant, contemporary, and practical seating elements from their partners at mmcité, including the Rautster and Pixel benches.

The Rautster benches are light, lively, and thoughtfully crafted picnic benches that also consider wheelchair users by incorporating an adjustment to the side frame, creating space for a wheelchair. The steel frames can be powder-coated in almost any color, and the table tops are available in durable wooden boards, indestructible perforated steel sheets, or thin HPL panels. Highly versatile, these benches come in two models: a two-bench model for 4 to 6 people or a one-bench model with a smaller footprint.

Pixel offers a playful mosaic for sophisticated spaces, easily assembling into a lively array of square modules. The steel frames can also be powder-coated in nearly any color and can be accessorized with a perforated steel backrest, senior-optimized armrests, and supplementary steel tables equipped with integrated USB charging options.